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Gwen Asplundh's Supplement Program


Gwen is a former member of the TNA Board of Directors and remains an active TNA supporter.


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Gwen’s Diet for Optimum Health

This is a plant-based, whole foods plan which includes cold-water, northern fatty fish i.e. salmon, herring, mackerel.  Basics are whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.  Excludes sugar, dairy and caffeine;  includes cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil. I also exclude salt and alcohol, except for an occasional glass of wine.

Gwen's Juice Drink with Vitamins

Taken daily

Blend together:

8 oz. juice (I use unsweetened organic grapefruit to avoid sugar) I now use rice milk to avoid acidity of juices ¼ cup frozen organic blueberries.  Other fruit such as mango, etc, can be added.

½ banana sliced
1 capful liquid multi
1 tsp liquid CoQ10 50 mg.
1 tbsp liquid Cal-Mag with D
30 drops liquid Super Lysine
1 heaping tsp Vitamin C powder (L-ascorbate C crystals)
1 2.5 g. packet Coromega Omega 3 fish oil

B12 injection (1cc) as methylcobalamin once a week (12.5 mg/ml)
If pain is active, injections can be two or three times a week

Additional Vitamins for general health:

Red Yeast Rice 600 mg 2 caps daily
E 400 IU 1 daily
Super GLA 300 mg 1 daily
Folic Acid 1 daily
Niacin 1 daily
B100 1 daily
Policosanol 1 daily
Prometol 1 daily

Gwen’s TN History

April, 1993 – First attack, followed by periods of pain and remission

February, 1995 - severe pain set in full time.  Took Tegretol, became allergic to it.  Changed to Neurontin which was ineffective

June, 1996 -Gamma knife procedure by Dr. Kondziolka at U. Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh. Successful for five months; pain returned; started Neurontin again

May, 1997 – Started natural program.  Within a few weeks Neurontin was discontinued and pain was gone and has not had to take any drugs since then.

November, 2001 – Pain began to return

January, 2002 – Met with holistic Doctor who discovered through blood tests that I had an advanced case of Lyme’s disease.  Went on 6 weeks of antibiotics to get rid of the Lyme.  As Lyme got better, TN pain went away.   In July TN pain started to return evidencing that I still had Lyme so I went on another 6 weeks of antibiotics and got rid of the Lyme and became TN pain-free.Whenever taking antibiotics, it is important to also take acidophilus.   This replaces good bacteria in digestive system which antibiotics destroy, leaving one open to infection.

February, 2004 – Stopped supplements and injections for 3 weeks because of feeling sick with very bad cold so I didn’t feel like taking anything.  In March pain returned. Immediately went back on program and pain left after about 10 days.

May, 2004 – Had a recurrence of TN pain.  This was different than any I had ever had as it was in the upper part of my face.  Prior to this the pain had always been in the jaw area.

In June I was away from home and ran out of B12; the pain intensified. Any strong breeze or touch on the upper part of my face brought unbearable pain to my forehead and eye.  After re-starting B12 injections, pain was relieved, but not entirely gone.  A month later I started a liquid form of B called “Max Stress B, Nano-Plex”, 1 tsp twice daily in juice; and a homeopathic remedy called Mezereum, 30th potency, every three hours until pain was relieved, then at longer intervals.  Within a week the pain was almost entirely gone.  I’ve noticed that in times of stress, I still have twinges of pain. In September the pain was persisting so the possibility of Lyme disease returning put me back on antibiotics;  pain is slowly receding.

As one can see, my program is ongoing.  When one remedy does not work alone we add another, just as when one drug or procedure is not effective, the doctors try something else.  The difference is that with complementary, i.e. natural methods there are no debilitating side effects.

  Updated - 10-6-08